Information for Referring Veterinarians

Studies have shown that the #1 reason for relinquishment and euthanasia of pet dogs and cats in the US is behavior problems and Dr. Stepita is committed to working with you to keep your patients in their homes!
Whether you are referring a patient with a behavior problem or want to discuss a case over the phone, Dr. Stepita is here to help. Please contact her at any time. After a consult with your clients/patients Dr. Stepita will call you to discuss the case (most often on the day of the appointment) and answer your questions. She will also fax or email you a summary and handouts given to the client for your records. The full behavior consultation record and discharge instructions can also be provided upon request. If medical problems are discovered during the behavior consultation or Dr. Stepita recommends further diagnostic testing to rule out any medical problems, she is dedicated to referring the client/patient back to you.
We recommend that the patient have a current physical exam and blood work (CBC, chemistry, UA, T4), if possible prior to their behavior appointment, although this is not a requirement.
Use the Canine and Feline Behavior Screens below to easily and efficiently detect behavior problems in your patients.
If referring, please use the Patient Referral Form Below. Note that for behavior patients, the “Treatment Requests” section and page 2 do not need to be completed. This form can be emailed to Dr. Stepita at
Dr. Stepita is a member of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior Speakers' Bureau. Local or state Veterinary Medical Associations qualify for up to a $250 stipend per year for a lecture by Dr. Stepita. For more information, please visit the AVSAB website.
Whether you are referring a patient with a behavior problem or want to discuss a case over the phone, Dr. Stepita is here to help. Please contact her at any time. After a consult with your clients/patients Dr. Stepita will call you to discuss the case (most often on the day of the appointment) and answer your questions. She will also fax or email you a summary and handouts given to the client for your records. The full behavior consultation record and discharge instructions can also be provided upon request. If medical problems are discovered during the behavior consultation or Dr. Stepita recommends further diagnostic testing to rule out any medical problems, she is dedicated to referring the client/patient back to you.
We recommend that the patient have a current physical exam and blood work (CBC, chemistry, UA, T4), if possible prior to their behavior appointment, although this is not a requirement.
Use the Canine and Feline Behavior Screens below to easily and efficiently detect behavior problems in your patients.
If referring, please use the Patient Referral Form Below. Note that for behavior patients, the “Treatment Requests” section and page 2 do not need to be completed. This form can be emailed to Dr. Stepita at
Dr. Stepita is a member of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior Speakers' Bureau. Local or state Veterinary Medical Associations qualify for up to a $250 stipend per year for a lecture by Dr. Stepita. For more information, please visit the AVSAB website.